Find your perfect 50s dress
Find your perfect 50s dress

Team - Photography

Team Fotografie

We want you to identify as much as possible with the women wearing our collections. That’s why we don’t just work with professional models but also with our customers, followers via our online community or influencers from the retro scene. The most important criteria? Ladies with an authentic personality and a friendly demeanour: because that is a perfect match with Topvintage! This allows us to be more diverse, diversity being an issue close to our hearts, while offering the women participating a chance to gain some experience on a professional shoot. But of course we also keep the commercial side of things in mind: at the end of the day we want to sell our collections to as many retro lovers as possible. We also try to show an item from as many angles as possible and we take pictures of our shoes and accessories with matching (vintage) themes while also showing different ways of wearing them: helping you determine whether an item is really right for you.

‘’While looking for models, I tend to look for strong women of all types and sizes. Because diversity is a topic that is very near and dear to our hearts! We still have a long way to go but we are continuously making progress. I also really want our models to enjoy themselves during a shoot, we want to see them smiling and laughing in the pictures. That’s something that works really well with our vintage look & feel and that sets us apart from for example high end fashion!’’
‘’I want people to feel at ease in front of the camera, so they don’t need to ‘pretend’ and can simply shine. That to me is even more important than the actual goal of the end product. That also makes it easier for our customers to identify themselves with the models wearing our clothes. So we always make sure that there is a good atmosphere and fun vibe behind the scenes!”
“Because I have to reflect reality via the frame of my camera, I think it’s important to capture the many different sides of women on film. And as a videographer I’m also making more and more short videos. These videos show things from different angles and perspectives and not everything needs to be perfect. In any case, we edit our footage as little possible, for example we won’t edit out a tummy showing. Ultimately, we want to show women in their purest form!’’

In which item or outfit do you feel most empowered?  

‘’I have lots of clothes ha ha, so it isn’t just one particular item or outfit. But I have noticed that I often (unknowingly) tend to wear certain outfits, for example my baby-blue suit, when I dress for an important occasion. I tend to choose an outfit that really makes me feel the way I want to feel at the time. So if I want to feel confident because I’m doing something or going somewhere important, I will wear an outfit that makes me feel my most confident self!’’ 


''I feel most empowered when wearing a swing dress because it really flatters my figure. Preferably with a fun mainstream leopard print or a scattering of tropical leaves. I especially like that combo: a vintage swing look with a contemporary print!’’


‘’I feel very confident in great jeans paired with a pretty blouse (preferably tied at the hem). I like an outfit that delivers style and comfort in equal measures. I want to look put-together but still be comfortable in the clothes that I wear: that’s when I feel my best! Because what good are trousers that are too tight or wearing a summer dress that looks really pretty yet I’m uncomfortable because my legs are chafing?’’
